We Salute our wonderful supporters!
- Ninja Number

- AARP, Glen Burnie, MD
- Academy Mortgage, Glen Burnie, MD
- ACRS, Baltimore, MD
- American Legion Post 40, Glen Burnie, MD
- American Legion Harford Post 0039, Bel Air, MD
- Anne Arundel County Food & Resource Bank, Crownsville, MD
- ARAT, Aberdeen Proving Ground, MD
- Armed Forces Gear, Millersville, MD
- Army & Air Force Exchange Service, Ft. Meade, MD
- Baldwin Memorial United Methodist Church, Millersville, MD
- Best Buy, Owings Mills, MD
- Bodkin Yacht Club, Pasadena, MD
- Boy Scout Troop 903, La Plata, MD
- Boy Scouts of America, Baltimore, MD
- Carisam-Samuel Meisel, Inc., Baltimore, MD
- Catholic Daughters of the Americas, Court Mother Seton #2119, Hanover, MD
- Catonsville Lions Club, Baltimore, MD
- Civitan Club of Glen Burnie, Glen Burnie, MD 21060
- Clayton’s Construction, Brookeville, MD
- Coca-Cola, Hanover, MD
- Collins and Associates, Annapolis, MD
- Columbia Ski Club, Columbia, MD
- Cup and Cake Blvd, Gambrills, MD
- Delta Gamma, Crofton, MD
- Department of Defense System Engineers, Ft Meade, MD
- Dollar Tree Stores of Western PA
- Eastern Research Group:
Arlington, VA, Chantilly, VA, Austin, TX, Lexington, MA, Morrisville, NC
- Emmanuel Lutheran Church, Bethesda, MD
- Enlisted Spouses Club, Fort Meade, MD
- Esther Circle – Kent Island United Methodist Church, Chester, MD
- Faith Baptist Church, Glen Burnie, MD
- F. C. Clifford, Inc., Baltimore, MD
- Fiberco, Inc., Severn, MD
- First National Bank, Annapolis, MD
- Fort Monmouth Officers Wives Club, Fort Monmouth, NJ
- Franklin Toys, Severna Park and Annapolis, MD
- Friendship Civitan Club, Linthicum Heights, MD
- Frito-Lay, Aberdeen, MD
- Giant Food, Ellicott City, MD
- Giant Food, Store #144, Baltimore, MD
- Goetze’s Candy Company, Inc., Baltimore, MD
- Hannah’s Heroes, Inc., Owings Mills, MD
- Home Depot (multiple stores)

- Howard County Republican Club, Columbia, MD
- Howard County Republican Club, Laurel, MD
- James Cardinal Gibbons Assembly #379, Knights of Columbus, Sykesville, MD
- Jet Blue, BWI Marshall Airport
- Johns Hopkins HealthCare, Glen Burnie, MD
- Johns Hopkins US Family Health Plan, Baltimore, MD
- Lake Shore Democratic Club, Pasadena, MD
- Lake Shore Rotary Club, Pasadena, MD
- Lauer’s IGA, Pasadena, MD
- Linthicum Women’s Club, Linthicum, MD
- Marine Corps League Auxiliary, Baltimore, MD
- Maryland Military Officers Association of America, Lusby, MD
- McDonald Auto Body Works, Inc., Hyattsville, MD
- MD-DE-DC Beverage Association, Annapolis, MD
- Mechanicsville Elementary School, Sykesville, MD
- Millington Lodge #116, Catonsville, MD
- Naval Academy Primary Day School, Annapolis, MD
- Nelson Hockey, Odenton, MD
- Nightmare Graphics, Inc., Columbia, MD
- North County Republican Club, Pasadena, MD
- Odenton Volunteer Fire Company Ladies ‘Auxiliary, Odenton, MD
- Officers Wives Club of Frederick, MD
- Old Navy – Annapolis Harbour Center, Annapolis, MD
- Onsite News, BWI Marshall Airport, BWI Airport, MD
- P. D. Regulatory Consulting, LLC, Bellingham, WA
- Pasadena Business Association, Pasadena, MD
- Pasadena Red Hot Cookies, Pasadena, MD
- Patapsco Valley Republican Club, Catonsville, MD
- Ravens Nest 10 of Anne Arundel County, Glen Burnie, MD
- Ravens Roost #103, Halethorpe, MD
- Science Applications International Corporation, Abingdon, MD
- Sears Holdings Management Company, Annapolis, MD
- Severna Park United Methodist Church, Severna Park, MD
- School of the Incarnation, Gambrills, MD
- Sons of American Legion, Hampstead, MD
- South Frederick County Rotary Club, Frederick, MD
- South River Martial Arts, Edgewater, MD
- St. Jane Frances School, Pasadena, MD
- St. Joseph’s Church, Cockeysville, MD
- St. Mary’s Elementary School, Annapolis, MD
- St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Mt. Airy, MD 21771
- St. Paul’s Lutheran Church & AARP Chapter 606, Glen Burnie, MD
- Stevensville United Methodist Church, Chester, MD
- The Ladies of the Hat, Pasadena, MD
- Thrivent Financial for Lutherans, Owings Mills, MD
- Tidewater Property Management Company, Owings Mills, MD
- Tim Burns Contracting, Inc., Adamstown, MD
- Travel Advantage Network, Millersville, MD
- Trusant Technologies, LLC, Ellicott City, MD
- Utz Quality Foods, Inc., Hanover, PA
- Veterans of Foreign Wars, Robert E. Lee Post #2239, Colonial Heights, VA
- Wal-Mart Lansdowne Station, Lansdowne, MD
- WANNCC Bethesda, MD
- Westminster American Insurance Company, Owings Mills, MD
- WMANNCA, Olney, MD
- Woodmen of the World Lodge 14, Radford, VA